Tell us about you! I have 4 cats and a collie. I enjoy animals, walking and going to the lakes. I like to swim when I get the chance, love movies but I don’t watch normal TV, only box sets of series.
I have worked in care now for 28 years. I've worked in some great homes and worked with some brilliant people. I have learnt a lot from every single new resident / client I have cared for. No two people are the same. For me it’s always been the needs of my clients that is important.
I now work primarily as a live-in pa/carer. I cover respite mainly. I enjoy this as I get to see all different types of people who have different needs. It is all about learning something new from each client, their condition or just personality. I have found over the years people do not like change but are open to new ideas, but not when the ideas are forced upon them. What could be good for one person may not suit another and I have learnt this by listening to what people want/need, and not what other people think they want or need.
There are some areas I have worked more than others, personal care and palliative/end of life care are where I have worked the most. I have worked with dementia and EMI. I have worked as a live-in carer for people in their own homes, I enjoyed this working in different homes every week travelling all over the country. seeing how other counties care.
I have completed the following training during 2019:
End of life level 3
First aid awareness
Dementia care
Equality, Diversity
Health and safety
Infection Prevention
Safeguarding venerable adults
Deprivation of liberty
Mental capacity
Fire training
Moving and handling theory
Person centred care
Safe administration of medicines
Infection control
Food hygiene
Record keeping
I completed the following training during 2018:
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Conflict Resolution
Countering Fraud, Bribery and Corruption in the NHS
Lone Workers in Health and Social Care
Information Governance, record-keeping and Caldicott protocols
Complaints Handling
Health and safety
Adult Basic Life Support - including the safe use of AEDs
Theoretical and practical information required for basic life support certification
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
Fire safety
Health, Safety and Welfare
Infection Prevention and Control (Level 2)
Manual handling
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Mental Health Act 2007
Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) and Child Protection (SOCA) Level 2
SOVA and SOCA Level 3 - Module 1 of 2
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA)
SOVA and SOCA Level 3 - Module 2 of 2
Safeguarding Children (SOCA
Availability: imes can be negotiable. No more than 2 weeks at a time.
“Lynne is compassionate and pro-active and has had personal experience supporting parents. ”
Live in care from £847/week. Pricing here.
Our online care journal is included for free.
Support from our experienced GP for carers and families also included for free.
To start the care, contact your care advisor on 07792939454.